Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (1664 total)

Unidentified man is seated beside a young boy and an older woman with glasses.

Probably, this was a family group.

Photo of an older photograph of an unidentified woman and young boy. Both are wearing clothes from the late 19th or early 20th century.

Photo of a photograph of an unidentified man in a suit and hat leaning over a unidentified young child who is standing on a chair.

The photograph was taken outdoors and a picket fence and bush are visible behind them
Photograph of a page listing several births in the Funk family. It is possible the page was from a bible but we are uncertain.

Transcribed, the record reads:

Albert Milton Funk son of Obed and Mary L. Funk was born Thursday the 3rd of August…
Photograph of Howard J. Benchoff with his first wife, Kathryn Leona (Mahon) and four children.

Identified (l to r) are: Rosalie Keith (Benchoff) Noel, Kathryn Mahon Benchoff, Josephine Harbaugh Benchoff (infant), Howard J. Benchoff, Kathryn Leona…
Photograph of Howard J. Benchoff with his first wife, Kathryn Leona (Mahon) and four children.

Identified (l to r) are: Robert Johnston Benchoff, Josephine Harbaugh Benchoff (infant), Kathryn Leona (Mahon) Benchoff, Howard J. Benchoff, Kathryn…
Large group of unidentified men, women, and children posed together on the steps of a porch.

Probably, this was a family group.
Photograph of the seven sons of Asa Allen and Mary Elizabeth (Dirting) Sheetz.

Identified are (l to r):

Back row: John, Jacob, Harry, Ralph Sheetz

Front row: Elon, Luther, and Noah Sheetz

There were also three daughters, Bess, Virginia,…
Photograph of Caleb Franklin Dellinger, his wife, Mary Catherine (Coffman) Dellinger, and their eight children.

The family was posed on the front porch of their home, which was located a mile north of Conicville on Cave Ridge Road (Route…
Unidentified older man and woman are seated with five unidentified adult women posed around them, possibly the couple's daughters.

Probably, this was a family photograph.
Group photograph of Caleb Franklin Dellinger with his wife, Mary Catherine (Coffman) Dellinger and many members of their family.

Identified are:

Front row (l to r): Ora E. (Dellinger) Dodson, Caleb Franklin Dellinger, Glen Bright Dellinger,…
Unidentified man with a mustache and older woman are seated outdoors with an unidentified boy standing between them. Behind them are four unidentified adults, three men and a woman.

Probably, this was a family group.
Seven unidentified men and women are posed together outdoors in two rows.

An older man with a mustache and an unidentified woman are seated with a younger man between them and four young women standing behind them.

Probably, this was a family…
Photograph of the family of James R. and Victoria (Sine) Foltz who attended a family reunion at the homeplace in Hamburg, Virginia, on July 4, 1920.

James R. and Victoria A. (Sine) Foltz were married in 1884.

The group is posed in three rows…
Unidentified people are posed together in two rows outdoors. There is an older man and woman seated in front with seven unidentified adult men and women posed around them. Two of the women standing are holding young children.

Probably, this was a…
Twelve unidentified people posed together outdoors.

An older man with a mustache and woman are seated with a girl standing between them. Five younger men and four younger women are posed around them.

Probably, this was a family photograph.
Ten unidentified people are posed together outdoors on the porch of a house.

There is an older man and woman seated in the center front with the rest of the people posed around them.

Probably, this was a family photograph.
Photograph of a large group of people who attended the 50th wedding anniversary celebration in December 1916 for John Henry Grabill and Mary Lytle (Hollingsworth) Grabill.

The couple married on 27 December 1866. John Henry Grabill was a…
Unidentified older man with a beard and woman are seated outdoors with seven younger adults and seven unidentified children posed around them.

Probably, this was a family photograph.
Five members of the Stoneburner family.

Identified are: Dr. Stoneburner (2nd from the right) who was an optometrist, and his wife, Mrs. Stoneburner, (standing, far right) who played the organ.

The other individuals in the picture are…
Large group of mostly unidentified people are posed together on the steps of a house.

Identified are: Ida F. Henkel (Bowman) Painter (on porch 6th adult from the left) and her mother, Barbara Ellen (Bowman) Henkel (on porch 3rd from right). The…
Photograph of Charles Curtis Bowman, his wife, Doonie, and seven of their children posed together outside their home in Mt. Jackson.

Identified are:

Standing (l to r): Gordon D. Bowman, C. Cortland Bowman

Seated (l to r): Francis L. Bowman,…
Ten unidentified people are posed together outdoors.

A man with a mustache and beard is seated beside a young girl with a large bow in her hair and an older woman. Behind them is a row of seven unidentified men and women.

Probably, this was a…
Four unidentified people, an older couple with two young men, posed in a garden gazebo in Mt. Airy with a dog at their feet.

The young man on the left is wearing a U.S. Army uniform.

Probably, this was a family photograph.
Large group of twenty one unidentified people assembled together on the steps of a porch.

Probably, this was a family group.
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