Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (24528 total) Rain August 15 1998 Northern Virginia Daily.pdf
Photo of youngsters from the Toms Brook United Methodist Church Vacation Bible School watching fire trucks during the Toms Brook Firemen's parade Attorney accepts new job July 31 2015 Northern Virginia Daily A1.pdf
Article about J. Jay Litten's plans to leave his positionas Shenandoah County's attorney and to accept the position of town manager in Bridgewater Virginia Caused $2.6 million in damage July 28 2015 Northern Virginia Daily A1.pdf
Article about the damage caused by a flash flood in Woodstock report campaign activity in local races July 31 2015 Northern Virginia Daily A3.pdf
Article about campaign activity in Shenandoah County's 2015 local election river prompts Strasburg drought watch.pdf
Article detailing a drought watch issued by the town of Strasburg. Jail Board Looks at Salaries August 24 2012 Northern Virginia Daily P1.pdf
Article about salaries at the RSW Regional Jail

Oral history featuring Teddy Delawder of Mt. Jackson Virginia recorded at Morning Star Lutheran Church by Alex Whitehurst of James Madison University. The interview was conducted as part of a project designed to better understand the history of Bird…
Postcard with a picture of the Shenandoah River near the town of Woodstock Virginia. from newspapers past Union Forge Church ca 1900 March 24 2005 Free Press.pdf
Picture of a postcard showing the Union Forge Church west of Edinburg at the beginning of the 20th century from newspapers past 1920 Saumsville School Students May 12 2005 Free Press.pdf
Photograph of students at the Saumsville School

A letter written to W.R. Merriam of the Liberty Iron Furnace Company threatening to destroy the "Dinky" railroad, which connected the furnace with Edinburg Virginia, unless James Sine and Thomas Foltz were fired.

Oral history featuring David Cline of Bayse Virginia recorded by Anthony Green of James Madison University. The interview was conducted as part of a project designed to better understand the history of Bird Haven Virginia, the Shenandoah Community…
Photographic postcard with an birds-eye view of New Market Virginia looking east toward New Market Gap and the Massanutten Mountain.

The postcard is dated 1909.
Postcard showing Main Street and downtown New Market Virginia looking north.
Postcard showing the Shenandoah Valley Academy in New Market Virginia.

The postcard is dated 1910.
Postcard showing the Shenandoah River and Iron Bridge west of New Market Virginia
Postcard showing the Greystone Lodge in Basye Virginia.

This structure was originally constructed by Vice Admiral Henry V. Butler ca. 1920. It was operated as a type of hunting/recreation lodge around 1950. Today it is a private residence.
Postcard with a picture of the Massanutten Mountains as seen from the Skyline Drive.
Postcard with a picture of Front Royal as seen from the Skyline Drive.
Photographic postcard showing girls on the porch of a cabin at Camp Strawderman.

The postcard identifies the cabin as "Barcarolle," which is one of the sleeping cabins at the camp.

Camp Strawderman is located west of Columbia Furnace Virginia…
Photographic postcard showing a group of girls riding horses as part of their activities at Camp Strawderman. The card is labeled "Early Morning Ride. Camp Strawderman, Columbia Furnace Virginia."

The camp is located west of Edinburg VA near the…
Postcard bearing an image of cabins at Camp Strawderman.

This girls summer camp is located west of Edinburg VA near the community of Columbia Furnace VA.
Postcard with a picture of the gateway to Camp Strawderman dated 1963.

Camp Strawderman is a girls camp located in western Shenandoah County near Columbia Furnace Virginia. It opened in 1929.
Postcard with a photograph of Camp Strwderman, all girls camp located near Columbia Furnace in Shenandoah County Virginia, showing mountains in the background.
Photographic postcard of girls standing on the "swinging bridge" at Camp Strawderman.

Located west of Edinburg Virginia, Camp Strawderman is a girls only camp that has operated since 1929.
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