Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (482 total)
Unidentified young man wearing his U.S. Army uniform.
Portrait of an unidentified young man wearing his U.S. Army uniform.
Photo of a photograph of an unidentified young man in an Army uniform.
Photograph of an unidentified man in a U.S. Army uniform, seated beside an unidentified woman in a print dress and young girl.

Probably, this was a family photograph.
Photo of a photograph of an unidentified couple. The man (right) is wearing his U.S. Army uniform.
Portrait of an unidentified U.S. Army Air Force Lieutenant wearing his WWII-era uniform.

His hat shows the "50 mission crush", a telltale sign of a missing stiffener.

Normally, this cap had stiffeners – a support piece behind the cap device…
Unidentified man wearing a U.S. Army uniform from the WWI timeframe.
Unidentified man in a U.S. Army uniform from the WWI era is standing beside an unidentified young woman.
Photograph of an unidentified young man standing in his U.S. Army uniform from the WWI era.
Unidentified young man wearing a U.S. Army uniform from the WWI era.
Unidentified man wearing a U.S. Army uniform from the WWI era.
Photo of a photograph taken in front of a building of an unidentified U.S. Army soldier standing at attention with his service weapon.
Unidentified young man wearing his WWI-era U.S. Army uniform.
Photo of a photo of an unidentified officer wearing his U.S. Army uniform from the WWI time period.
Portrait of an unidentified Army Officer wearing his WWI-era uniform.
Photograph of the U.S. Army Honorable Discharge form for Woodrow W. Miller, born on November 6, 1916 and living in Maurertown. He served as a combat infantryman during WWII and fought in the European, African, and Middle Eastern Theatres earning a…
Photograph of a U.S. Army Honorable Discharge certificate for Technical Sergeant Woodrow W. Miller who served in the infantry. The certificate was awarded at the Percy Jones Hospital in Fort Custer, Michigan on January 18, 1947.
Everett Wisman in his U.S. Army uniform, pictured with his three sisters: Ruth Virginia Wisman Dysart (top right), Mary "Snookie" Wisman Hoover, and Lois Wisman Ryman.
Portrait of William "Bill" Sites in his U.S. Army uniform.
Portrait photograph of William Silas Getz in his U.S. Army uniform and his wife, Florine W. (Fravel) Getz.
Portrait photograph of William Paxton in his WWI Army uniform.

He was the son of John C. and Rebecca Paxton.

His son was William Paxton, Jr.
Portrait of William N. Andrick in his U.S. Army uniform. Mr. Andrick was the son of John W. Andrick and Hannah Sine Andrick.
William "Bill" Lutz pictured in his U.S. Army uniform. Mr. Lutz was from Conicville. He died in a car wreck at Lantz Mills in about 1956 or 1957.

Photograph taken by Hugh Morrison showing William Lutz, a Shenandoah County native who served in the US Army during World War Two.
Portrait photograph of William Hoyle Garber wearing his U.S. Army uniform. His rank was Captain and he served in the Artillery.
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