Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (62 total)
Portrait photograph of Ernest Franklin Coffman Sr. with a mustache and wearing a suit with a vest and starched collar

Ernest Coffman, Sr., was the husband of Lou Hammer and father of Geneva Conger, Hazel Fadely, Virginia Coffman, Ernestine…
Photograph of Patsy Ann Borden as a toddler. Born in Woodstock and raised in Edinburg, she was the daughter of Cecil Ulysses and Alice Elizabeth (Coffman) Borden.

Patsy was a student and a seamstress in 1961 when she married Willard William…
Portrait of Alese S. (Hoffman) Coffman as a young woman.

Alese was the daughter of Harry Cecil (1902-1964) and Golda E. (Ritenour) (1904-1927) Hoffman.

In the 1930 census, she lived with her parents and two brothers on Kibler Town Road in the…
Mary Catherine Coffman pictured as a young toddler. She was a resident of Woodstock, Virginia.
Photograph of Fannie Luella (Long) Coffman seated on a chair in the studio.

Fannie was born in the Conicville area of Shenandoah County. The specific place noted on her birth registration was “near Cabin Hill”. Her parents were John Jackson…
Ernest Coffman, Sr., was the husband of Lou Hammer and father of Geneva Conger, Hazel Fadely, Virginia Coffman, Ernestine Mitchell, Madge Clark, Christine Barrick, Ernest Coffman, Jr., and Thomas Coffman.

Subject worked as a U.S. postal clerk, …
Photograph of Emanuel Lutheran Church in Woodstock, Virginia. Superimposed on the image are small, oval photographs of M. Coffman, the Superintendent of the Sunday School, and Rev. S.W. Kuhns, the Pastor.
Photograph of the students from Bowmans Crossing School about 1911. They are identified as:
1st row (l to r): Ruth Baker, Raymond Baker, Medger Bowers, Clarence ?, Joe Bowers, Fred Grandstaff (Tip Downey), and Mertie Bowers.
2nd Row: Buford…
Photograph of a document dated 4 May 1945 and listing Purple Heart recipients in the 96th Infantry Division. First Lieutenant Gilbert E. Coffman Jr., received his award for wounds sustained on Okinawa Island.
Photograph of a marriage certificate dated September 15, 1940, stating that Charles F. Wightman and Martha A. Coffman were joined in the holy state of matrimony in Woodstock.
Photograph of a birth registration for Bobbie Jean Wightman, who was born on October 13, 1942 in Shenandoah County. Her parents were Charles Franklin Wightman and Martha Alice Coffman.
The name, "Garry Job Coffman" is written on the plate of this image of a young man wearing a formal suit.
Portrait of Alese S. (Hoffman) Coffman as a young woman.

Alese was the daughter of Harry Cecil (1902-1964) and Golda E. (Ritenour) (1904-1927) Hoffman.

In the 1930 census, she lived with her parents and two brothers on Kibler Town Road in the…
The name, "H.L. Coffman", is written on the glass plate of this image of a man wearing a suit and tie.
Portrait of Alice Coffman as a young woman.
Portrait of Lionel Clyde "Buddy" Mitchell wearing his Massanutten Military Academy (MMA) school uniform. The patch on his shoulder indicates he served in the Army ROTC.

Buddy spent most of his life in the military as his obituary in the Northern…
Unidentified baby sitting in a wicker chair with two young unidentified girls standing on either side.

Probably, these were siblings.

The name, "Coffman", is inscribed on the glass plate.
Portrait of Clacie Franklin Coffman, Sr. (1903-1970), son of Joseph and Maude Dellinger Coffman. He married Arlene Bowman and had a daughter, Mary Catherine Coffman. He later married Ruby Ford Koontz and had two sons, Clacie, Jr. and Henry James…
Photo of two photographs. On the right is Kolbe Coffman and on the left is an unidentified couple.
Portrait of Flora (Gochenour) Coffman as a young woman.

Flora was born in Maurertown, the daughter of Levi and Susie Gochenour. She was one of nine children.

She married Harold Coffman (1916-1995) in 1938. While he served in the Civilian Public…
Portrait of Charlotte Painter Poland as a young woman. Charlotte was born on March 1, 1922, at Edinburg, Virginia, the daughter of the late Clayton Painter and Irene Coffman Painter.

She was a lifetime member of Bethel Lutheran Church, where she…
Photograph of sisters Dorothy Seal Coffman Clem (seated) and Alice Coffman Borden Elm (standing) as children.
Photograph of Harold Coffman and Flora (Gochenour) Coffman standing together in the studio. Flora is wearing a flowered corsage on her dress. This picture was taken around the time of their marriage.

Harold was the son of Noah Walter (1876-1948)…
Photograph of Mazie and Ben Lambert standing behind their mother, Mrs. Annie Belle (Didawick) Lambert.

Annie Belle was the daughter of Benjamin Franklin and Barbara M. (Holtzman) Didawick. She married Kirby Daniel Lambert (1876-1931) and had two…
Gilbert Ray Coffman as a young man, seated, and wearing a suit and tie.

From the Saumsville area, Gilbert was the only child born to Philip Ray (1895-1952) and Stella (Richman) (1897-1922) Coffman. His mother died soon after he was born. Gilbert…
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