Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (7 total)
Handwritten log of Orndorff and Himelright births between 1855 and 1880.

Included are:

Philip P., son of Jacob and Rachel Orndorff (born Feb. 5, 1855);

Margaret R., daughter of Henry S. and Mary C. Himelright (born Aug 11, 1859); and…
May Lucille (Wymer) Himelright dressed in a suit and holding a white purse in front of her.

May Lucille (Wymer) Himelright shown dressed in a suit, and holding a white purse with both hands. This photograph was made about the time she…
Ruth (Himelright) Heltzel with short hair and standing by a chair.

Her husband was Steward A. Heltzel. She is buried in Star Tannery.
Photograph of three children who have been identified as (l to r): Ronald, Gloria Jean, and Larry Coffman.

Their parents were Winford Franklin Coffman, Sr. and Elizabeth Marie (Hamman) Coffman, both buried in Strasburg.

The name, "W.F.…
Gloria Jean (Coffman) Himelright as a young girl seated on a chair with her ankles crossed.

Her parents were Winford Franklin Coffman, Sr. and Elizabeth Marie (Hamman) Coffman, both buried in Strasburg.

The name, "W.F. Coffman", is written on…
Photo of a portrait photograph of Harry Quintas Himelright wearing his U.S. Army uniform.

He was born in Wardensville, West Virginia, and grew up in the Wheatfield community of Shenandoah County, near Strasburg. His parents were Erol Leslie and…
Portrait photograph of Medford Hopewell Himelright as a young man wearing a bow tie.

Medford grew up in Strasburg, the son of Charles Clinton and Ivy Lillian (Ritter) Himelright. His father worked at a lime plant and Medford had an older brother…
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