Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (4 total)
On the right is Elizabeth Hickman Newman (1822-1917). She is holding her great-granddaughter Elizabeth Newman. Her grandson Wilbur Lauck Newman stands at the rear of the image. On the left is Elizabeth’s son, Edgar Douglas Newman.
Portrait of Clacie Franklin Coffman, Sr. (1903-1970), son of Joseph and Maude Dellinger Coffman. He married Arlene Bowman and had a daughter, Mary Catherine Coffman. He later married Ruby Ford Koontz and had two sons, Clacie, Jr. and Henry James…
Photograph of Edna May (Seibert) Hisey (left) with her mother, Bessie Bruce (Koontz) Seibert (right).

Bessie Bruce Koontz was the daughter of Robert G. and Bettie (Fravel) Koontz. She married Charles Wilbur Seibert (1870-1964) and had three…

Card distributed by George W. Koontz soliciting voters to support him in his attempt to be reelected to the position of County Treasurer for Shenandoah County.

While the date of the card's production is uncertain, the election in which Koontz was…
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