Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (42 total)
Unidentified young man wearing his WWI-era U.S. Army uniform.
Unidentified young man wearing his U.S. Army uniform.
A name appears to be written on the glass plate of this image but it is unclear what is says. Perhaps, "Bezle".

Photo of a photograph of a young unidentified soldier wearing a U.S. Marine Corps uniform with an unidentified young girl and woman…
Portrait of an unidentified U.S. Marine wearing his uniform.
Unidentified young man standing in studio wearing his WWI U.S. Army uniform.

The name, "Geo. F. Ryan", is written on the glass plate.
Photograph of an unidentified man in a U.S. Army uniform, seated beside an unidentified woman in a print dress and young girl.

Probably, this was a family photograph.
Unidentified U.S. Soldier, seated, with an unidentified woman and two young boys posed around him.

Probably, this was a family photograph.
Unidentified man wearing a U.S. Army uniform with his arm around an unidentified woman by his side.

Probably, this was a husband and wife.
Portrait of Mark M. Herbaugh in uniform with his wife, Sadie Belle Baker Copp.

Mark served in the 136th Infantry Division of the U.S. Army during WWII. He worked as a truck driver at the time of his marriage.

He married Sadie Belle (Baker) Copp…
Unidentified man wearing a U.S. Army uniform from the WWI era.
Photo of a photograph of an unidentified man wearing his U.S. Army uniform from the WWI era.
Photograph of Floyd Hope Polk wearing his US Army Unform.

Floyd Polk served in the US Army during World War II and lived in Edinburg Virginia. His wife was Goldie Irwin Polk.

The name "Floyd Polk" is written on the glass plate.
Portrait of an unidentified man wearing a U.S. Army uniform.

The name, "Whellington", and the place, "Zepp", are written on the glass plate of this image.
Photo of a photograph of Philip "Pete" Magruder, Sr., wearing his U.S. Army uniform.

Pete was the grandson of Captain John H. Grabill, a well-known confederate officer and later, the owner and editor of the Shenandoah Herald newspaper.

Portrait of an unidentified man wearing a U.S. Army uniform.
Portrait photograph of Lennie Edward Cook, wearing a U.S. Army uniform and posed with his wife, Frances Odessa (Fadeley) Cook.

Lennie was from Woodstock and served in the U.S. Army during World War II.

He married Frances Odessa (Fadeley) Cook…
Portrait of an unidentified man posed in studio wearing his U.S. Army uniform that indicates he is part of the 11th Armored Division.
Portrait of an unidentified U.S. Army Infantry soldier posed in studio in uniform.
Portrait of Earl and Charlotte Rinker posed in studio with their baby son, Randolph. Mr. Rinker is wearing his U.S. Army uniform.

In addition to serving in the U.S. Army during World War II, Mr. Rinker worked for Sealtest Foods for 20 years.…
Portrait of Charles Richard Lantz as young man wearing a U.S. Army uniform.

Charles was a graduate of Edinburg High School who was killed in action during WWII.
Unidentified soldier standing at attention. Insignia on his uniform indicates he was a paratrooper.
The name, "Minnick", is written on the glass negative of this image of an unidentified soldier.
The name, "Minnick" is written on the glass negative of this image of an unidentified Army soldier and an unidentified woman, seated, with two young children posed with them.

Probably, this was a family.
Photo of a family photograph of Harry R. Sheetz in his Army uniform, holding his son, Danny, with his wife, Helen M. (Bowers) Sheetz seated beside him.
Unidentified man in a U.S. Army uniform from the WWI era is standing beside an unidentified young woman.
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