Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (5 total)
Postcard showing the Lost River near Bryce's Resort in Bayse Va. The Lost River flows through West Virginia near the Virginia border.
Photograph of a notarized certification from the Clerk of Hardy County, West Virginia, in 1941, stating that the birth of Julia Gertrude Artz, daughter of James Peter Artz and Cedena C. Artz, was on November 30, 1885. The note also attests that "the…
Photograph of historic Happy Retreat, a stately home located in Charles Town, West Virginia.

Happy Retreat (also known as Charles Washington House and Mordington) is a historic property in Charles Town, West Virginia, which was originally owned…
Postcard with a picture of the Stephen Monument in Martinsburg West Virginia. It was constructed to honor Adam Stephen who established Martinsburg.
Undated photograph showing a house and labeled as "Berkeley Springs, W.Va."
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