Strasburg Virginia

A tour of historic sites in the town of Strasburg.

On August 21, 1734 William Gooch, Virginia's Governor, granted land speculator Henry Willis 2,030 acres of wilderness with the requirement that he find settlers to live on it.

A year later this land, which includes what is now Strasburg was sold to Jacob Funk who partitioned the land and began to sell it. Over time a thriving agricultural community began to emerge in this area along the Shenandoah River. In 1749 Peter Stover, Funk’s son-in-law, purchased 483 acres from him and divided the land into town lots. Twelver years later he received a charter for his town, now called Stasburg.

During the 18th and 19th century the agriculture abundance of the area helped Strasburg thrive. The town also became a production center for earthenware and stoneware pottery. The railroad brought added growth when it arrived in the 19th century. Eventually the area’s major railroads, east-west and north-south railroads joined west of town and created Strasburg Junction.

The Civil War had a major impact on the town. Several important sites, including Cedar Creek Battlefield, Fisher’s Hill Battlefield, and Hupp’s Hill trenches, surround the town.

Today the town maintains a strong service based economy, industrial plants, and numerous tourist related sites.

Chalyebeate Springs Hotel

This structure was built in the summer of 1881 to house the Chalybeate House. Its location close to the Strasburg Depot which was then located on Fort Street gave it easy access to visitors arriving in town via the railroad. A March 15 1882…

Powhatan Lime Company

The Powhatan Lime Company of Strasburg Virginia dates to 1902. It was founded to quarry some of the area’s plentiful New Market limestone and to convert it into lime for use in construction agriculture, and numerous other industries. Powhatan Lime…

Hotel Strasburg

Located on the corner of Queen and Holliday Streets, the Hotel Strasburg is one of the most elegant and attractive lodging sites in Shenandoah County. This was not the first building on this site. In 1782 Christopher Keister Jr. opened an ordinary…

Sunset Hill School

The first school for Strasburg’s African American population was called the Queen Street School and was located at the end of West Queen Street. That building housed grades 1-7 until 1929 when it burned. A new school, called Sunset Hill Colored…

May Day

Throughout the county’s history communities have been conducting parades and festivals. One type of this event was the ever popular May Day. Traditionally held on May 1st, this festival dates to early European efforts to celebrate the start of…

Strasburg Post Office

By the 1930s the population of Strasburg Virginia had grown and increased demand for services indicated a new post office was needed. At the same time, the United States Government was funding an extensive amount of construction projects to provide…

Strasburg School

In 1804 Jacob Funk, Alexander Hite, Joseph Stover, Jacob Lambert, Jonas Crabil, Anthony Spangler, and George Lind conducted a lottery to build a school on this site. There efforts would be successful and the Strasburg Academy opened soon…

Hupp’s Hill

This land was settled by the George F. Hupp, Sr. family in the 1750’s. Hupp, and his descendants, became successful farmers and local leaders. During the Civil War, this position was important strategic point. Both Union and Confederate forces…

Strasburg Steam Pottery-Depot-Museum

Around 1890 the building that now houses the Strasburg Museum was constructed by the Strasburg Stone and Earthenware Manufacturing Company. Organization by Strasburg resident Dr. Granville Brown, this company operated a large steam pottery plant on…

Hupps Hill Trenches

Sometime after occupying Hupp’s Hill on October 20, 1864, Federal troops belong to the second division, VI Corps of General Phillip Sheridan’s Army of the Shenandoah began work on a series of fortifications to protect themselves from Confederate…

Strasburg Presbyterian Church

When the first meeting was held at the Winchester Presbytery, the name given to the body representing Presbyterian Churches in a certain district, there were two Presbyterian Churches in Shenandoah County. The records of that meeting, held on…

Strasburg Christian Church

During the early part of the 19th century traveling ministers of the Church of Christ visited towns in Shenandoah County. As early as 1808 records indicate residents of Strasburg were meeting to hear these individuals. In 1820 enough members of the…

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church

Between 1734 John Caspar Stoever Jr., the first German Lutheran Minister in Virginia, made seven trips through the Shenandoah Valley to baptize individuals and organize churches. He, and his successor George Klug, must have been extremely successful…

Strasburg Methodist Church

In 1806 the Bishop Asbury, a noted Methodist circuit rider, preached his first sermon in Strasburg. He and other traveling ministers would visit the town numerous times over the next several decades until the number of Methodist congregants was large…

Strasburg Passenger Depot

In 1878 the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad completed this passenger depot in Strasburg Virginia. It replaced an earlier station constructed by the Manassas Gap Railroad in 1854 near the current site of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. The new structure was…

Esbie Baptist Church

In June 1913 Reverend Nickens, a Baptist minister and native of Strasburg, preached a service in that town. His actions must have inspired local African American’s of the Baptist faith for just over a month later they began raising money to…

Mt. Zion Methodist Church

In 1868 the African American residents of Strasburg Virginia banded together to found Mt. Zion Methodist Church after being inspired by a series of travelling Methodist Missionaries that visited the town and organized religious meeting. That same…

Strasburg Reservoir

In 1923 the Town of Strasburg completed a new reservoir to supply the town with drinking water. The reservoir contained approximately 25 million gallons of water and was located in what is called “Little Fort Valley” atop the Massanutten Mountain…

Strasburg Emporium

In 1907 the Strasburg Textile Manufacturing Company opened on this site. The company manufactured various finished silk products. In 1934 Charles Platt and his son Nathan Platt purchased the company and focused on producing silk casket linings using…