Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Allan Howt Digital Collection

Dublin Core


Allan Howt Digital Collection


This collection contains 14 digital images scanned by Allan Howt of California. They were obtained from a series of glass plates he purchased on Oregon. Several are positively identified as being from Shenandoah County, especially the Stony Creek and Liberty Furnace areas. The location of others, and the identify of the photographer are unknown.


Allan Howt


Shenandoah County Library


ca. 1900- ca. 1910


Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC)

Collection Items

Unidentified Party
Scan of a glass plate negative showing a party of men and woman on a rock dam in what may be Stony Creek in Shenandoah County. The party is unidentified.

Unidentified Men and Dogs
Scan of a glass plate negative showing two unidentified men and dogs, possibly preparing for a hunt.

Unidentified Woman
Scan of a glass plate negative showing an unidentified woman.

Unidentified Woman
Scan of a glass plate negative showing an unidentified woman.

Man with wagon and team
Scan of a glass plate negative showing an unidentified man with a wagon and team at an unidentified location.

Two Men With Guns
Scan of a glass plate negative showing unidentified men with guns at an unknown location.

Man and Woman in Cart
Scan of a glass plate negative showing an unidentified man and woman in a cart at an unknown location.

Lantz's Mill Cornet Band
Scan of a glass plate negative showing the Lantz's Mill Cornet Band.

Liberty Furnace
Scan of a glass plate negative showing the structures of the Liberty Iron Furnace in what is now Liberty Furnace Virginia.

Stony Creek Baptism
Scan of a glass plate negative showing the baptism of Catherine Sherman Hamilton by Elder Nesselrodt of the Stony Creek Church located west of Edinburg in Shenandoah County Virginia. The baptism occurred in Stony Creek.

Hunting and Fishing, Petersburg West Virginia
Scan of a glass plate negative showing what appears to be a hunting and fishing party in front of a tent near Petersburg West Virginia in September, 1903.

Stemple's Saloon
Scan of a glass plate negative showing a group of men in front of "Stemple's Saloon" in an unknown location.

Dinky Railroad Excursion Train
Scan of a glass plate negatives showing individuals aboard a train.

The train is identified as the one which carried ore and other materials along the narrow-gauge railroad connecting Liberty Iron Furnace with Edinburg Virginia. This line was…

Nesselrodt Family
Scan of a glass plate negative showing the Nesselrodt Family in front of what is most likely their home.

The adult male is Charles Nesselrodt, an elder in the and resident minister in the Flat Rock Church of the Brethren's Stony Creek mission. He…
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