Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Collections (16 total)

Shenandoah Valley Equality Collection

SVE 0049AdoptAHighwaySign.jpg

This collection contains materials produced by Shenandoah Valley Equality (formerly the Shenandoah Valley Gay & Lesbian Association). Among other…

Morrison Studio Collection


In 1899 Hugh Morrison Jr. opened a photograph studio on W. Court Street in Woodstock after several years of working in the area as a travelling…

Contributors: A special thanks to Tracy McMahon for her dedicated work entering metadata for this collection. , A special thank you to the Shenandoah County Historical Society for their efforts to number and scan each image.

Bondage Biographies: Enslaved People of Shenandoah County

In 2018, the Truban Archives began compiling information to create a searchable database of enslaved people in Shenandoah County during the years 1772…

George William Smith Collection


Digitized photographs from the collection of George William Smith of Woodstock Virginia.

George William Smith (1900-2000) was an African American…

Dellinger Family Photographs


Collection of six tintype photographs from an unidentified Dellinger family of Shenandoah County. All photographs are unidentified and are part of a…

Joseph M. Hines Collection

Large Group of Marines with Equipment

A collection of images and letters associated with Joseph M. Hines. The vast majority are letters from his time serving with the United States Marine…

William Hoyle Garber Collection

The William Hoyle Garber Collection consists of 503 digital images stored on a single thumb drive and also available online via the archives digital…

Contributors: Mt. Jackson Museum

MacKenzie Grimes Collection

A collection of photographs, scrap books, and documents collected by Josephine Miller Lynn of Woodstock Virginia. The bulk of the photographs show…

Allan Howt Digital Collection

This collection contains 14 digital images scanned by Allan Howt of California. They were obtained from a series of glass plates he purchased on…

Bird Haven Oral History Collection

Oral History Transscript—Donald Moomaw.pdf

Sometime in the early 1920s Philadelphia banker and philanthropist William Bernard Clark founded the Shenandoah Community Workers organization near…

Shenandoah County Fair

carol 1969 booth.jpg

A collection of digital images related to the history of the Shenandoah County Fair. It includes photographs of fair events, exhibitors, and…

Shenandoah County Historical Society Collection


Items on display from the collection of the Shenandoah County Historical Society.

Farms, Factories, and the Frontlines: Shenandoah County in the World Wars


A collection of materials related to World War One and World War Two, primarily focusing on activities in Shenandoah County and soldiers from the area…

Vormbrock School Collection

3rd grade 1961-62  Jpeg.jpg

Collection containing digital versions of local schools yearbooks.

Clippings Files

LibertyRiotArticle Jan 28 1880.jpg

A collection of newspaper clippings related to Shenandoah County and the surrounding area

Herb Parker Postcard Collection