Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (4 total)
Portrait photograph of Columbus C. Wilson, an African American Methodist clergyman who served at several Methodist Churches in the Shenandoah Valley.

He was born in Florence County, South Carolina.

In the 1910 census, he was married to Addie…
Photo of a framed photograph of Father George Ligdis, a Greek Orthodox priest in Kalismenon, Greece, where he lived.

Father Ligdis' daughter, Konstando Kotsianas, was married to a man who lived in Woodstock, Virginia. His name was James G.…
Photograph of John Frederick William Kitzmeyer wearing the robes of Rev. Peter Muhlenberg, a Revolutionary War era minister from Woodstock who was made famous by his 1776 call to arms and Revolutionary War service.

Rev. John Frederick William…
Damaged photograph of John Frederick William Kitzmeyer wearing the robes of Rev. Peter Muhlenberg, a Revolutionary War era minister from Woodstock who was made famous by his 1776 call to arms and Revolutionary War service.

Rev. John Frederick…
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