Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (8 total)
Photograph of the Information and Gift Shop for the Endless Caverns resort near New Market, Virginia.

In 2004, the building was still standing (in disrepair) and was located about a mile north of the present entrance to Endless Caverns.
Photograph of a line of buses from Endless Caverns, used to bring visitors to and from the train depot west of New Market from the Endless Caverns resort area.

The building housing the caverns entrance is visible on the left and the lodge is on…
Photograph taken by William Hoyle Garber showing two unidentfieid women in a convertiable. The front of the convertiable bears a plate with "Endless Caverns, New Market VA" printed on it.
Postcard showing the Lodge and Entrance House at Endless Caverns located near New Market Virginia.
Postcard showing the Camping Grounds at Endless Caverns near New Market Virginia
Postcard showing The Old Log Cabin at Endless Caverns near New Market Virginia
Postcard showing the Entrance House to the Endless Caverns located near New Market Virginia
Postcard showing the Valley Inn located near Endless Caverns and New Market Virginia
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