Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (447 total)

Photograph of an elderly man wearing a Confederate style uniform. On the coat he is wearing a ribbon for the "Neff-Rice Camp" United Confederate Veterans and a "Southern Cross of Honor" issued to Confederate Veterans by the United Daughters of the…

Undated photograph showing the New Market Motor Company Ford and Fordson dealership building.

The structure still stands as of 2024 at the intersection of E. Old Cross Road (formerly Cross Road) and John Sevier Road (formerly Water Street).…

Oral history interview featuring Gwendolyn "Gwen" Tolliver Nickens conducted on February 5, 2016 for the Shenandoah County Library's Black History Month Program.

In 1964 Delois became the first African American student to attend what was then…

Agreement between the "Linhoss & Shirley Pharmacy" and Martha Henkel regarding the rental of space for the pharmacy to operate in New Market Virginia.

The agreement is dated October 1921. It is signed by Martha Henkel, Dr. William C. Shirley, and…

Photographic postcard showing a group of students at the New Market (Virginia) High School.

The image is dated 1919.

Identified in the picture are:

Back Row, left to right:

Paul Offman, unknown, unknown, Mary Harner (Linhoss), unknown,…
Group of unidentified students from Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA) posed together in two rows outdoors.

The front row consists of 8 females and the back row (standing) consists of 7 males.

A house and two trees are visible behind the group.
Group of unidentified male and female students from Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA) posed in two rows outdoors. A trellis is visible behind the group.
Large group of unidentified students (and possibly one or two teachers) from Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA) are posed together on the steps of a campus building.
Group of unidentified young SVA boys and girls assembled in rows in front of a trellis.

The man standing at the back right may have been their teacher.
Group of unidentified female students from Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA) posed in rows on the porch of a campus building.
Group of unidentified male and female students are posed in front of a house with a covered porch and trees.

An unidentified older man in the front row is looking to the side and may have been a teacher.

Group of unidentified students and teachers from Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA) in New Market, Virginia.

The group is posed outdoors in three rows with the front row consisting of five unidentified young children.

Large group of unidentified students and teachers from Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA) in New Market, Virginia.

The group is posed outdoors and a campus building is visible behind them.

Group of nine unidentified students and a teacher posed outdoors in two rows. All were from Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA) in New Market, Virginia.

Group of unidentified male students with their teacher from Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA) in New Market, Virginia.

The students are posed in two rows outdoors. All are holding something in their hands except the man in the front center, their…

Group of unidentified students from Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA) in New Market, Virginia.

They are posed outdoors in two rows. The man at the lower left was possibly a teacher.

Large group of unidentified students and teachers from Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA) in New Market, Virginia.

They are posed in several rows on the steps of a porch.

Group of unidentified students from Shenandoah Valley Academy in New Market, Virginia.

They are posed outdoors in two rows. The back row is all males. The front row includes four young women, two young men and an older unidentified man in the…

Group of unidentified students from Shenandoah Valley Academy in New Market, Virginia.

They are shown in two rows: the front row is all female. The back row is all males.

Group of unidentified female students posed in two rows outdoors from Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA).

A male teacher is visible on the left.

All are looking to the side of the camera.

Large group of unidentified students and teachers from Shenandoah Valley Academy in New Market, Virginia.
Large group of unidentified students and teachers from Shenandoah Valley Academy in New Market, Virginia.
Group of twelve unidentified male students and teachers from Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA) posed in two rows outdoors. A school building is behind them.
Large group of unidentified students and teachers from Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA) in New Market.

A student in the back row is holding a pennant that says, "Shenandoah".

The front row appears to be mostly instructors.
Photograph of Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA) campus and buildings. A 1920's era automobile is visible parked in front of the large building on the right.
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