Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

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Photograph taken by William Hoyle Garber showing an unidentified horse.

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Photograph of a large horse in profile.
Photograph of the side profile of a horse. The horse is standing outside and it appears that someone is holding its reigns off camera.
Faded photograph of the side profile of a horse. The horse is looking towards the camera and the handler who is holding its reigns is partially visible on the left side of the photograph.
Photograph of the side profile of a horse. The photograph is slightly blurry and there are a few trees visible in the background.
Photograph of the side profile of a horse with two unidentified men and an unidentified child partially visible behind it. The photograph is slightly overexposed which obscures the features of the men and child.

Photograph showing a horse and trotter cart at the Shenandoah County Fairgrounds.
Horse-drawn carriage with an unidentified driver shown in front of a home in winter. Four unidentified children are visible on the front porch and snow is everywhere.
Photograph taken by William Hoyle Garber showing an unidentified event featuring horses.

Photograph taken by William Hoyle Garber showing a group of horses and riders at Camp Lupton, located just east of Woodstock along the Shenandoah River. The camp was built by Massanutten Military Academy and is currently the site of a state park.
Panoramic shot of a horse grazing in a field and standing in front of a white barn. Small, pointy hill is visible in the background.
Large horse standing on an unpaved town street and held by a partially visible person. A horse-drawn carriage is visible in the background.

carol 1974 horse show.jpg
Photograph showing unidentified women at the 1970 Shenandoah County Fair's horse show.

wisman ribbon 1980.jpg
Photograph of a Horse Show ribbon from the 1980 Shenandoah County Fair.
Unidentified man wearing a hat and holding the reins of two large horses wearing harnesses.
Photograph showing two horses at the Shenandoah County Fairgrounds.
Photograph showing two horses at the Shenandoah County Fairgrounds.

Photograph showing sets of harnessed horses in a field somewhere in Shenandoah County.

Photograph showing J.R. Miller holding his daughter Josephine Miller (Lynn) while on a horse. The photograph was taken near the intersection of Muhlenberg and Spring Streets in Woodstock Virginia.
Photograph taken by William Hoyle Garber showing a group of individuals on horses at a jousting tournament at Natural Chimneys in Virginia.
Photograph taken by William Hoyle Garber showing a group of individuals on horses at a jousting tournament at Natural Chimneys in Virginia.
Photograph of Hugh Morrison Jr's thoroughbred mare, "Laura Kelly" and her colt, "Prince".
Buggy and thoroughbred horse named "Laura". Both belonged to Hugh Morrison, Jr. The buggy was most likely manufactured by William B. Morrison, a carriage-maker of Woodstock. He was Hugh Morrison, Jr.'s uncle.
Unidentified man riding a horse over a fence.
Unidentified man pictured in a horse drawn carriage.

The carriage's top is folded back. the horse's rigging includes a covering of vertical chords which helped keep flies from bothering the horse.

A person is visible on the porch to the left…
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