Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

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Photograph of the 1923 Massanutten Military Academy (MMA) Football Team posing on the front steps of Lantz Hall.

The cadet on the front row center is holding a football that has “State Champ Virginia ‘23” written on it.

Pictured are, from…
Photograph of the 1923 football team at Massanutten Military Academy (MMA). That year, the team won the state championship.

Pictured are, from left to right:

Front Row:
Unidentified, Unidentified, Unidentified, Unidentified, Russel Carew,…
Photograph of Peter John Hanf.

Peter was a cadet at Massanutten Academy, graduating in 1924.

This photograph shows him wearing his football uniform. He was a member of the Academy's 1923 and 1924 football teams.

According to the 1924…
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