1923 MMA Football Team
Dublin Core
1923 MMA Football Team
Massanutten Military Academy (Woodstock, Shenandoah County, Va.)
Military academies - Virginia - Woodstock
Military education - Virginia - Woodstock
Cadets - Virginia - Woodstock
Football - Virginia - Woodstock
Football players - Virginia - Woodstock
Fouts, Leslie "Les" Jacob (1901-1979)
Cramer, Herbert Smith (1905-1989)
Reddig, Edward S. (1904-1979)
Carew, Russel Shaw (1904-1967)
Hanf, Peter John (1904-1981)
Morris, Monroe Herman Jr. (1904-1947)
Bauserman, John V.
Bauserman, Robert D.
Benchoff, Robert (1909-1968)
Photograph of the 1923 Massanutten Military Academy (MMA) Football Team posing on the front steps of Lantz Hall.
The cadet on the front row center is holding a football that has “State Champ Virginia ‘23” written on it.
Pictured are, from left to right:
Front Row:
Unidentified, Unidentified, Les Fouts (Captain), Unidentified, Marshall Smith Cramer
Second Row:
Edward Reddig, Unidentified, Unidentified, Unidentified, Russel Carew, Peter Hanf, Unidentified
Third Row:
Monroe Morris, John Bauserman, Unidentified, Robert Bauserman, Unidentified, Robert Benchoff, Unidentified
Fourth Row:
Unidentified, Unidentified (Coach)
The cadet on the front row center is holding a football that has “State Champ Virginia ‘23” written on it.
Pictured are, from left to right:
Front Row:
Unidentified, Unidentified, Les Fouts (Captain), Unidentified, Marshall Smith Cramer
Second Row:
Edward Reddig, Unidentified, Unidentified, Unidentified, Russel Carew, Peter Hanf, Unidentified
Third Row:
Monroe Morris, John Bauserman, Unidentified, Robert Bauserman, Unidentified, Robert Benchoff, Unidentified
Fourth Row:
Unidentified, Unidentified (Coach)
Morrison Studio
Morrison Studio Collection - Shenandoah County Historical Society
Shenandoah County Library
Cadets Fouts, Cramer, Reddig, Hanf, Carew, Morris, Bauserman, and Benchoff identified in 2025 by library staff based on the 1924 MMA yearbook the "Helmet" and other photographs of the subjects.
Leslie “Les” J. Fouts appears in Morrison Studio Collection numbers 003668, 004267, 007313, 007640, 007653, 009165, 013474, 013502, 015504, 015780, 019169, 020074, 020075, 020084, 020090, 020093, 020095, 020098, 020103, 020114, 020100, 020123, 020125, 020138, 020139, 020164, 020166, and 020168.
Herbert Smith Cramer appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 004256, 005071, 005074, 006321, 007336, 020036, 020057, 020074, 020125, 020135, 020163, and 020164.
Robert Bauserman appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 005069, 017513, 018537, 020057, 020101, 020128, 020156, 020160, and 020164.
John Bauserman appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 005074, 007336, 020057, 020163, and 020164.
Robert J. Benchoff appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 001696, 003961, 005072, 006321, 008093, 008536, 010945, 012978, 015782, 018537, 020057, 020068, 020080, 020082, 020114, 020130, 020132, 020135, 020156, 020159, 020160, 020161, 020164, 020276, and 020287.
Russell Carew appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 004257, 008584, 013928, 015500, 015501, 020092, 020113, 020118, 020125, and 020164.
Edward Reddig appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 009162, 020125, 020164, 020166, and 022318.
Monroe Herman Morris Jr. appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 009349, 009164, 01550, 020164, and 020166.
Peter Hanf appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 004266, 020125, and 020164.
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Glass Negative
Physical Dimensions
8x10 inches
Morrison Studio, “1923 MMA Football Team,” Shenandoah County Library Archives, accessed February 14, 2025, https://archives.countylib.org/items/show/50272.