Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

1926 MMA Football Team


Dublin Core


1926 MMA Football Team


Massanutten Military Academy (Woodstock, Shenandoah County, Va.)
Military education - Virginia - Woodstock
Military academies - Virginia - Woodstock
Cadets - Virginia - Woodstock
Football - Virginia - Woodstock
Football players - Virginia - Woodstock
Crockett, John
Ramsburg, George
Gordon, Dean Abe
Bauserman, Robert D.
Richards, Harry Meade
Schneider, William E.
Hawkins, William Dale
Kertz, Edward F.
Winkel, Edward (1906-1967)
Laughlin, John J.
Benchoff, Robert (1909-1968)
Yingling, Harry Clifford (1907-1987)
Vezie, Melphard James (1907-1977)
Glunt, Leroy Edward (1895-1963)
Trautman, Wallace V.
Heck, Herman T.
Burns, James L.
Nugent, Robert B.
Trotter, Herbert Jr. (1910-1991)
Alfonso, Alfredo
Beecher, Lawrence Jack
Morrison, Fred


Photograph showing the 1926 Massanutten Military Academy football team on the steps of Harrison Hall.
The cadet on the front row, center is holding a football with the letters "MA" (Massanutten Academy) and the number 26 on it.

This photograph app
Pictured are, from left to right:

Front Row:
John Crockett, George Ramsburg, Dean Abe Gordon, Robert D. Bauserman (Captain), Harry Meade Richards, William Schneider, William Dale Hawkins.

Second Row:
Edward Kertz, Fred Morrison, Edward Winkel, John J. Laughlin, Robert Benchoff, Harry Yingling, Melphard J. Vezie.

Third Row:
Leroy Glunt (Coach, in Sweater)

Fourth Row:
Wallace Trautman, Herman Heck, Unidentified, James Burns, Robert Nugent, Herbert Trotter, Unidentified

Fifth Row:
Unidentified, Unidentified, Unidentified, Alfredo Alfonso, Unidentified, Lawrence Beecher, Unidentified.


Morrison Studio


Morrison Studio Collection - Shenandoah County Historical Society


Shenandoah County Library


ca 1926


Subjects identified in 2025 by library staff utilizing the 1927 Massanutten Academy yearbook the "Adjutant" and other photographs of the subjects.




James L. Burns appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 007345, 018537, 020044, 020051, 020080, 020130, 020134, 020144, 020145, 020146, 020160, and 020163.
Robert Bauserman appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 005069, 017513, 018537, 020057, 020101, 020128, 020156, 020160, and 020164.
Dean Abe Gordon appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 005067, 005068, 020057, 020068, 020101, 020156, and 020160.
John Jay Laughlin is pictured in Morrison Studio Collection images 004574, 005074, 006346, 007336, 008172, 009149, 018537, 020036, 020044, 020057, 020066, 020074, 020082, 020134, 020135, 020145, 020156, 020160, 020163, and 020182.
Harry C. Yingling appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 017111, 018537, 020044, 020057, 020066, 020082, 020083, 020134, 020145, 020156, and 020160.
Robert J. Benchoff appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 001696, 003961, 005072, 006321, 008093, 008536, 010945, 012978, 015782, 018537, 020057, 020068, 020080, 020082, 020114, 020130, 020132, 020135, 020156, 020159, 020160, 020161, 020164, 020276, and 020287.
Herman T. Heck appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 017336, 018537, 018559, 018560, 020044, 020057, 020134, 020145, and 020160.
Alfredo Alfonso appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 017101, 020065, 020128, 020135, 020146, and 020160.
Wallace Trautman appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 017109, 018537, 020080, 020145, 020160, and 020168.
William Dale Hawkins appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 005067, 005073, 006360, 007336, 018537, 018559, 018560, 020044, 020066, 020082, 020145, 020146, 020160, and 020163.
William Schneider appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 005070, 017335, 018537, 020066, 020083, 020101, 020128, 020135, 020145, 020156, and 020160.
Leroy Glunt is pictured in Morrison Studio Collection numbers 004826, 007336, 007496, 012313, 015375, 018552, 020066, 020067, 020068, 020073, 020087, 020088, 020094, 020099, 020107, 020109, 200116, 020120, 020128, 020131, 020135, 020137, 020142, 020156, 020160, and 020161.
Harry Meade Richards is pictured in Morrison Studio Collection images 007336, 020044, 020066, 020101, 020128, 020135, 020156, 020160, and 020163.
Melphard Vezie appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 017110, 018537, 020066, 020068, 020128, 020145, 020156, 020160, and 020161.
Robert B. Nugent appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 017099, 018537, 020128, 020145, and 020160.
John Crockett appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 020068, 020101, 020160, and 020168
George Ramsburg appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 020101, 020135, 020156, 020160, and 020168.
Lawrence Beecher appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 008066, 017334, 018537, 020145, 020146, and 020160.
Edward F. Kertz appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 017112, 018537, 020145, 020156, and 020160.
Edward Winkel appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 007718, 008090, 018537, 020066, 020101, 020145, 020156, and 020160.
Fred Morrison appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 020156, 020066, and 020160.
Herbert Trotter Jr. appears in Morrison Studio Collection images 013532, 018537, and 020160.



Still Image Item Type Metadata

Original Format

Glass Negative

Physical Dimensions

8x10 inches


Morrison Studio, “1926 MMA Football Team,” Shenandoah County Library Archives, accessed February 14, 2025,


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