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- Tags: Glunt
1926 MMA Basketball Team
The basketball held by the cadet in the center is painted with the letter “M” and the number “26.”
Pictured are, from left to…
1927 MMA Football Team
Identified are, from left to right:
Front Row:
John J. Cuomo, Dravo Bliss, Emil A. Gathmann, Unidentified, Unidentified
Second Row:
Unidentified, Unidentified,…
1926 MMA Football Team
The cadet on the front row, center is holding a football with the letters "MA" (Massanutten Academy) and the number 26 on it.
This photograph…
Tags: Alfonso, Bauserman, Beecher, Benchoff, Burns, Cadets, Crockett, Football, Glunt, Gordon, Hawkins, Heck, Kertz, Laughlin, Massanutten Military Academy, Men, Military, MMA, Morrison, Nugent, Ramsburg, Richards, Schneider, Schools, Shenandoah County, Sports, Students, Trautman, Trotter, Uniforms, Vezie, Virginia, Winkel, Woodstock, Yingling
1926 MMA Football Team
The cadet on the front row, center is holding a football with the letters "MA" (Massanutten Academy) and the number…
1926 MMA Baseball Team
The photograph is hand labeled “Morrison Studio” and “1926 MA” by the photographer. It appears in the 1926 Massanutten Academy catalog.
1937-1938 MMA Basketball Team
The cadet in the center holds a basketball labeled “M.A. Champs 37-38.”
Pictured are, from left to right:
Front Row:
Alexander Piasecky, Milton J.…
MMA Cadets and Faculty
Pictured are, from left to right:
Front Row:
Unidentified, Leroy Glunt, Joseph Lawrence (Commandant), Unidentified, Unidentified
MMA 1930 Basketball Team
Tags: Basketball, Cadet, Glunt, Massanutten Military Academy, Men, Military, MMA, Schools, Shenandoah County, Sports, Student, Uniform, Virginia, Woodstock
MMA Baseball Team
This photograph appeared in the school’s 1917 yearbook “Aggelos.”
The individuals are:
Unidentified, Unidentified, John Heller Crawn, Unidentified, Sherman Ballard, Leroy Glunt,…
MMA 1921 Basketball Team
Tags: Basketball, Cadet, Dymock, Glunt, Massanutten Military Academy, Men, Military, MMA, Schools, Shenandoah County, Sports, Student, Uniform, Virginia, Woodstock
MMA Football Team
Coaches Leroy Glunt (right) and Les Fouts (left) are visible on the back row in white…
MMA Baseball Team
Identified individuals are John J. Cuomo on the second row, far left, and Coach Leroy Glunt, back row, left.
All other cadets are unidentified.
MMA 1920 Football Team
The MMA logo with the number, 20, is written on the…
MMA 1927 Football Team
Identified members of the team are (l to r):
MMA 1927-28 Basketball Team
Ten of the cadets are wearing their school basketball uniform with five non-uniformed men sitting behind them.
Coach Leroy Glunt is…
MMA 1926-27 Basketball Team
They are posed on the steps of a school building. The cadet standing in the middle of the front row is holding a…
Massanutten Military Academy Staff
From left to right are Robert Fransen, Leroy Glunt, and Ralph Henry Abbas.
Leroy Glunt, was a well-known coach at Massanutten Military Academy in the 1920s and 1930s.
Tags: Abbas, Fransen, Glunt, Massanutten Military Academy, Men, MMA, Schools, Shenandoah County, Teachers, Virginia
Leroy E. Glunt
Leroy Edward Glunt was born in California, Pennsylvania, the son of James and Sara E. (Humphries) Glunt. He served as a Corporal and later, a Sergeant, in the U.S. Army…
Capt. Leroy Glunt
Leroy Edward Glunt was born in California, Pennsylvania, the son of James and Sara E. (Humphries) Glunt. He served as a Corporal and later, a Sergeant, in the U.S.…
Leroy E. Glunt
Leroy Edward Glunt was born in California, Pennsylvania, the son of James and Sara E. (Humphries) Glunt. He…
Tags: Basketball, Glunt, Massanutten Military Academy, Men, Military, MMA, School, Shenandoah County, Students, Team, Virginia, Woodstock