Image of a lodge building at Camp Strawderman, located west of Edinburg, Virginia. Several unidentified girls are standing on the porch and a few more are in the yard.
Image of a lodge building at Camp Strawderman, located west of Edinburg, Virginia. Several unidentified girls are standing on the porch and in the yard in front of the stairs.
Photograph of a small wood-sided cabin with an unidentified man sitting on the front porch. Log fence surrounds the cabin and two bird feeders are visible.
Postcard with an image of a cabin at Camp Strawderman which is an all girls camp located near Columbia Furnace in Shenandoah County Virginia. Card notes the cabin is the original Strawderman House.
Postcard with an image of a cabin and girls at Camp Strawderman which is an all girls camp located near Columbia Furnace in Shenandoah County Virginia.