Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (5 total)
Photograph of Massanutten Military Cadets wearing their uniforms.

Pictured are, from left to right:

Front Row:
Alfred Tompkins, Earle Bawden, Russel Carew, William Learned, Norman Kelley

Second Row:
Unidentified, Joseph Horn, John Farrar,…
Photograph of Massanutten Military cadets seated in their military uniforms.

Pictured are, from left to right:

Front Row:
Unidentified, Earle Bawden, Les Fouts, Willard Reiley, Unidentified

Second Row:
Arthur Payne Morrow, Unidentified,…
Portrait photograph of Massanutten Military Academy (MMA) cadet George Albert Vaulot wearing his school's uniform.

Cadet Vaulot was from Havana, Cuba, and his nickname was "Greaser".

He attended MMA from 1919 to 1924, when he graduated. He went…
Portrait of Massanutten Military Academy (MMA) Cadet George Albert Vaulot wearing his school's uniform.

This photograph was used in the 1924 MMA yearbook publication, "Helmet".

Cadet Vaulot was from Havana, Cuba, and his nickname was…
Portrait of Massanutten Military Academy (MMA) Cadet George Albert Vaulot wearing his school's uniform.
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