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- Tags: Cadet
MMA Swim Team With Trophy
All the cadets are unidentified. Coach Les Fouts stands on the second row, far left in uniform.
MMA Cadets
Identified are, from left to right:
Front Row:
Unidentified, Alfred Carroll Richmond, Edwin Morrison
Second Row:
Unidentified, Jacob Baur Greiner Jr,…
MMA Cadets
Pictured are, from left to right:
Front Row:
Alfred Tompkins, Earle Bawden, Russel Carew, William Learned, Norman Kelley
Second Row:
Unidentified, Joseph Horn, John Farrar,…
MMA Cadets
MMA Cadets and Faculty
Pictured are, from left to right:
Front Row:
Unidentified, Leroy Glunt, Joseph Lawrence (Commandant), Unidentified, Unidentified
Unidentified MMA Cadets
MMA Cadets
Pictured are, from left to right:
Front Row:
Unidentified, Earle Bawden, Les Fouts, Willard Reiley, Unidentified
Second Row:
Arthur Payne Morrow, Unidentified,…
MMA Cadets
Identified are (l to r):
Front Row:
Unidentified, William MacDonough, Unidentified, Russel Carew
Second Row:
Unidentified, Arthur Payne Morrow, John H. Farrar, Unidentified
Tags: Cadet, Carew, Farrar, MacDonough, Massanutten Military Academy, Men, Military, MMA, Morrow, Schools, Shenandoah County, Student, Uniform, Virginia, Woodstock
MMA Tennis Team
MMA Football Team
Colonel Howard J. Benchoff with Unidentified Army Soldier
Colonel Benchoff was an influential headmaster of MMA from…
MMA 1930 Basketball Team
Tags: Basketball, Cadet, Glunt, Massanutten Military Academy, Men, Military, MMA, Schools, Shenandoah County, Sports, Student, Uniform, Virginia, Woodstock
Unidentified MMA Cadet
MMA Baseball Team
This photograph appeared in the school’s 1917 yearbook “Aggelos.”
The individuals are:
Unidentified, Unidentified, John Heller Crawn, Unidentified, Sherman Ballard, Leroy Glunt,…
Massanutten Academy Commissioned Cadet Officers
Pictured are, left to right:
Front Row:
Cecil Newcorn, Unidentified, Unidentified, Kenneth Mason, Norman Brooks Kelley
Second Row:
Unidentified, Unidentified,…
Tags: Cadet, Kelley, Mason, Massanutten Military Academy, Men, Military, MMA, Newcorn, Schools, Shenandoah County, Student, Sutherland, Uniform, Virginia, Woodstock
MMA 1917 Football Team
Pictured are, from left to right:
Front Row:
Unidentified, Unidentified, Gerald B. Matthews, Edwin Morrison, Unidentified
Second Row:
Unidentified, Unidentified, Clarence…
MMA Swim Team
On the back row, far left is Coach Les Fouts.
On the front row, far right is cadet Walter "Wally" B.…
Tags: Cadet, Fouts, Hoffrichter, Massanutten Military Academy, Men, Military, MMA, Schools, Shenandoah County, Student, Uniform, Virginia, Woodstock
Group of New MMA Cadets
This photograph appears in the 1930 publication "Massanutten Academy: Woodstock Virginia"…
Tags: Cadet, Massanutten Military Academy, Men, Military, MMA, Schools, Shenandoah County, Student, Virginia, Woodstock
MMA 1926 Football Linemen
Pictured are, from left to right:
Edward Winkle, William E. Schneider, Harry Meade Richards, Dean Abe Gordon, George Ramsburg, John Crockett, Robert…
MMA 1917-1918 Basketball Team
The individuals are, left to right:
Front row:
Unidentified, Clarence F. Rogers (team captain), unidentified, unidentified
Back Row:
Edwin L. Morrison (manager),…
Tags: Basketball, Cadet, Massanutten Military Academy, Men, Military, MMA, Schools, Shenandoah County, Sports, Student, Uniform, Virginia, Woodstock
MMA 1921 Basketball Team
Tags: Basketball, Cadet, Dymock, Glunt, Massanutten Military Academy, Men, Military, MMA, Schools, Shenandoah County, Sports, Student, Uniform, Virginia, Woodstock
MMA 1922 Football Team
The subjects are, from left to right:
Holding the Football: Unidentified
Front Row:
Jack Sutherland, Unidentified,…
MMA Tennis Team
The photograph appeared in the 1930 Massanutten Academy publication “Massanutten Academy, Woodstock Virginia” and is captioned “Tennis Squad.”
Coach Thomas D. Cobb appears in the…