Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (13 total)
Music Ensemble at Massanutten Academy
Photograph of a musical ensemble on the stage Lantz Hall at Massanutten Military Academy (MMA). The ensemble includes a mixture of MMA cadets, adults, and Woodstock High School students.

Pictured are, from…
Photograph of fifteen Massanutten Military Academy cadets posed on the front of Harrison Hall.
The photograph contains many members of the class of 1924.

Pictured are, from left to right:

First Row:
John H. Farrar, Donald Mills, Marshall…
Photograph of eight individuals associated with Massanutten Military Academy (MMA).

Seven of them are in a MMA uniform and one is wearing civilian clothes.

Pictured are, from left to right:

First Row:
Unidentified, Unidentified,…
Photograph of Massanutten Military Cadets wearing their uniforms.

Pictured are, from left to right:

Front Row:
Alfred Tompkins, Earle Bawden, Russel Carew, William Learned, Norman Kelley

Second Row:
Unidentified, Joseph Horn, John Farrar,…
Photograph of Massanutten Academy's commissioned officers, ca. 1923.

Pictured are, left to right:

Front Row:
Cecil Newcorn, Unidentified, Unidentified, Kenneth Mason, Norman Brooks Kelley

Second Row:
Unidentified, Unidentified,…
Photograph of Massanutten Military Academy's commissioned officers for the 1923-1924 school year.

Pictured are (l to r):
Front row:
Payne Morrow, Cecil Newcorn, Earle Bawden, Norman Kelley
Second Row:
Willard Reiley, Russel Carew, Carroll…
Portrait photograph of Cadet Jerome Newcorn of Massanutten Military Academy (MMA) wearing his school's uniform.

Plate damage is visible around the edge of the photograph.
Photograph of Massanutten Academy Cadet Cecil Miller Newcorn of Plainfield New Jersey.

According to the 1924 Massanutten Academy yearbook "Helmet" his nickname was "Nooky."
Portrait of Cecil M. Newcorn wearing a U.S. Army uniform. He is best remembered for the years he served as Bandmaster at Massanutten Military Academy (MMA) in the late 1930’s.

Cecil was from Plainfield, New Jersey, the son of William (1868-1946)…
Photograph of Massanutten Academy's Junior Class in 1924.

Front Row, left to right:
Raymond Finley, William Dehart, Donald Mills
Second Row:
?, William A. MacDonough, ?, Marshall D.J. Smith
Third Row:
Jerome Newcorn, John H. Farrar, Ray…
Photograph of Massanutten Academy Cadet Cecil Miller Newcorn of Plainfield New Jersey.

According to the 1924 Massanutten Academy yearbook "Helmet" his nickname was "Nooky."
Portrait of Cecil M. Newcorn wearing a U.S. Army uniform. He is best remembered for the years he served as Bandmaster at Massanutten Military Academy (MMA) in the late 1930’s.

Cecil was from Plainfield, New Jersey, the son of William (1868-1946)…
Portrait of Cecil M. Newcorn wearing a uniform. He is best remembered for the years he served as Bandmaster at Massanutten Military Academy (MMA) in the late 1930’s.

Cecil was from Plainfield, New Jersey, the son of William (1868-1946) Newcorn…
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