Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (27 total)
Damaged image of the birth certificate issued by Rockingham Memorial Hospital in Harrisonburg, at the birth of Gerald Lee Bean, born on 2 September 1946.
Portrait photograph of Anna (Snyder) Hottel, mother of Daniel "Danny" Hottel of Woodstock.

Anna was the daughter of Ira James and Lelia Susan (Rudy) Hottel. She married Lester Lee Hottel.

She worked as a nurse at the Fravel Hospital and the…

Photograph showing nurse Virginia Cooley seated at a desk at the Shenandoah County Memorial Hospital in Woodstock Virginia.

The photograph is dated April 1967.

Photograph of individuals participating in the play "The Ole Family Album" held at the Edinburg Theater.

This production was held on March 26, 1953 by the Madison District Auxiliary of the Shenandoah County Memorial Hospital. Proceeds were…

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When the Shenandoah Valley-Herald highlighted the work of Dr. Regina Karmy, they noted she believed “a woman’s place is in the home.” They also observed she just as firmly believed she was “entitled to a place in the operating room.”

Dr. Karmy,…

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When the Shenandoah Valley-Herald highlighted the work of Dr. Regina Karmy, they noted she believed “a woman’s place is in the home.” They also observed she just as firmly believed she was “entitled to a place in the operating room.”

Dr. Karmy,…

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For residents at the Shenandoah County Memorial Hospital’s Extended Care Facility, Eva Mobley was a welcome site. As a volunteer at the facility in the 1970s, she played games with patients, helped feed them meals, and conducted a weekly story…

Martha Henkel always said “I loved my babies.” After delivering over 1500 of them, its apparent she did.

Martha came to New Market in 1923 with her husband Stuart. She had grown up in Philadelphia and was trained as a nurse . In New Market she…
Photograph taken by William Hoyle Garber showing the laundry room at Shenandoah Memorial Hospital soon after it opened in 1951.
Photograph taken by William Hoyle Garber showing a nurse and child at Shenandoah Memorial Hospital soon after it opened in 1951. The nurse is Madge Clark, a long time nurse at the facility.
Photograph taken by William Hoyle Garber showing a group of kitchen staff at Shenandoah Memorial Hospital soon after it opened in 1951. From left to right is: unidentified, Virginia Scott, ____ gallager, 4 ____, 5_____
Photograph taken by William Hoyle Garber showing the morgue at Shenandoah Memorial Hospital soon after it opened in 1951.
Photograph taken by William Hoyle Garber showing two women in hospital beds with an unidentified nurse and man at Shenandoah Memorial Hospital soon after it opened in 1951.
Photograph taken by William Hoyle Garber showing the exterior of Shenandoah Memorial Hospital soon after it opened in 1951.
Photograph taken by William Hoyle Garber showing a group of cadets at the groundbreaking for Shenandoah Memorial Hospital on November 13, 1949.
Photograph taken by William Hoyle Garber showing a group on the speakers platform at the groundbreaking for Shenandoah Memorial Hospital on November 13, 1949.
Photograph taken by William Hoyle Garber showing the groundbreaking ceremony for Shenandoah Memorial Hospital on November 13, 1949.
Photograph taken by William Hoyle Garber showing a group of cadets at the groundbreaking for Shenandoah Memorial Hospital on November 13, 1949.
Photograph taken by William Hoyle Garber showing a group of men at the groundbreaking for Shenandoah Memorial Hospital on November 13, 1949.
Photograph taken by William Hoyle Garber showing Shenandoah Memorial Hospital soon after its opening in 1951.
Photograph taken by William Hoyle Garber showing a military honor guard and a crowd at the ground breaking for the Shenandoah Memorial Hospital located in Woodstock Virginia. The ground breaking ceremony was held on November 13, 1949.
Color postcard showing a picture of the Shenandoah County Memorial Hospital located in Woodstock Virginia. At the time of the card, the hospital had 94 rooms and was fully accredited.
Postcard with a picture of the north elevation of the Shenandoah County Memorial Hospital.
Postcard with a picture of the Cora Miller Memorial Hospital located in Woodstock Virginia.
Postcard with a colorized photograph of the "Cora Miller Hospital."

This hospital was located on Muhlenberg Street in Woodstock Virginia. Built as a private residence, this structure still stands. It housed a hospital from the 1920s through 1951…
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