Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (11 total)
Photograph of the 1926 Massanutten Military Academy (MMA) Basketball team posed on the steps of Harrison Hall.

The basketball held by the cadet in the center is painted with the letter “M” and the number “26.”

Pictured are, from left to…
Photograph of 21 Massanutten Military Academy (MMA) Cadets on the school’s campus.

The photograph appears in the 1927 MMA yearbook the “Adjutant” and is identified as showing the school’s senior class for that year. It is captioned “Senior Roll…
Photograph of the 1926 Massanutten Military Academy baseball team on the steps of Harrison Hall.

The photograph is hand labeled “Morrison Studio” and “1926 MA” by the photographer. It appears in the 1926 Massanutten Academy catalog.

Photograph showing a group of Massanutten Military Academy (MMA) cadets in uniform.

The individuals are, from left to right:

Front Row:
Unidentified, Unidentified, Edmund Kavanagh, Unidentified, Unidentified, Fred W. Griswold Jr.,…
Photograph of the 1927 baseball team at Massanutten military Academy (MMA.)

The photograph was taken on the steps of Harrison Hall and includes a hand-written label “The Morrison Studio 3/30/27.” It appears in the school’s 1927 yearbook “The…
Photograph of the 1924-1925 Massanutten Military Academy football team, their manager, and coach sitting on the steps of Lantz Hall.

Pictured are, from left to right:

Front Row: Edmund Kavanagh, William A. MacDonough, Robert Bauserman, Herbert…
Photograph of the Massanutten Military Academy’s “Officers Club” as it appeared in the 1927 MMA yearbook “The Adjutant.”

Identified are, from left to right:

Edmund Kavanagh, John J. Laughlin, Unidentified, James L. Burns, William Dale Hawkins,…
Photograph of thirteen Massanutten Military Academy (MMA) cadets standing in a single row under large trees. They are wearing their school uniforms.

Pictured are, from left to right:
Willard Reiley, Reed Goe, Unidentified, Herbert Cramer, Edmund…
Photograph of William Dale Hawkins, Herman T. Heck, and Edmund Kavanagh.

The three were cadets at Massanutten Military Academy and appear in their uniform as members of the "Battalion Staff" in the 1927 academy yearbook. Kavanagh was Battalion…
Photograph of William Dale Hawkins, Herman T. Heck, and Edmund Kavanagh (left to right).

The three were cadets at Massanutten Military Academy and appear in their uniform as members of the "Battalion Staff" in the 1927 academy yearbook. Kavanagh…
Group photograph of the 1926 Massanutten Military Academy (MMA) Basketball Team.

Identified are, left to right:

Front row:
John J. Laughlin, Edmund A. Kavanagh, Herbert Smith Cramer, who went by Smith Cramer, John Bauserman

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