Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (5 total)
Group of unidentified people posed in front of St. Luke Lutheran Church west of Woodstock.

It appears that many of the men in this photograph also appear in another Morrison Image taken of the Modern Woodmen of America. Camp 13003, from St. Luke.
Group photograph of the students and teachers of the class of 1919 at the St. Luke Graded School.

All have been identified as follows:

Front row, (l to r): Robert Walker, Chester Riffey, Joe Wetzel, Theodore Markley, Dorothy Shipp, James…

Photograph showing the members of the "Modern Woodmen of America Camp 13003."

This camp was located in St. Luke Virginia, a small community west of Woodstock Virginia. In the background is the St. Luke Lutheran Church which still stands in the…

Tintype of an unidentified woman. Reverse of the sleeve is marked "Jacob W. Coffman Traveling Stationary Photographer, Photograph Gallery, Saint Luke, Virginia."
Photograph taken by William Hoyle Garber showing the ST. Luke and Saumsville 4-H Club's display at the Shenandoah County Fair.
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