Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (22655 total)

Photograph of seven girls from Camp Strawderman in a canoe or standing alongside a canoe presumably in Stony Creek at the camp.

The image is undated and the girls are unidentified.

Form letter from the Strasburg Land and Improvement Company sent to stockholders in July 1891. It discusses the sale of shares, dividends, and the need for payment from shareholders.

The company was a real estate business that subdivided and sold…

Photograph showing four generations of the Heishman - Burner family of Shenandoah County Virginia.

Pictured, from left to right, are:

Joseph Heishman
John Calvin Heishman (son of Joseph)
John Burner (son of Anna Burner)
Anna "Annie"…

Photograph of an elderly man wearing a Confederate style uniform. On the coat he is wearing a ribbon for the "Neff-Rice Camp" United Confederate Veterans and a "Southern Cross of Honor" issued to Confederate Veterans by the United Daughters of the…

Undated photograph showing the New Market Motor Company Ford and Fordson dealership building.

The structure still stands as of 2024 at the intersection of E. Old Cross Road (formerly Cross Road) and John Sevier Road (formerly Water Street).…

Photograph of Massanutten Academy's Poe Literary Society's debate team as printed in a 1917-1918 academy catalog.

Alfred Carroll Richmond, president of the team, is pictured third from left.

Jacob Greiner is pictured seated, on the left.…

"Directory of the Public Schools of Shenandoah County, Virginia For 1932-1933."

This directory lists the names of the school superintendent, trustee boards, school supervisors, Board of Supervisors, and teachers.

1938 photograph showing students from the Toms Brook School, grades 1-7. The students are standing on the front steps of the school.

Identified on the rear of the photograph are teachers Hope Sine, Virginia, Wakeman, Mary Cunningham, Hazel…

Undated photograph of students and teachers standing in front of the Teaberry School during the winter.

Teaberry School was located on what is now Dodson Road (VA Route 711) near Conicville Virginia.

The photograph is labeled "Tea Beery…

Oral history interview featuring Gwendolyn "Gwen" Tolliver Nickens conducted on February 5, 2016 for the Shenandoah County Library's Black History Month Program.

In 1964 Delois became the first African American student to attend what was then…

Partial can label produced by W.E. Stickley of Strasburg Virginia for "Stickley's Hand Packed Peaches."

Photograph of Mary Susan Crabill Lutholtz of Toms Brook Virginia.

The image is labeled on the reverse "Susan Ludholtz A Sister of Harrison Crabill."

Photograph of Russell Funkhouser as a child.

Russell was born, and lived, near the Macanie/Hudson Crossroads communities west of Mt. Jackson Virginia.

The photograph was produced by W.L. Mumaw of "Belgrade Virginia" located between Mt.…

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Photograph of Ruth Finks as it appeared in the "Shenandoah Herald and Shenandoah Valley" newspaper, November 27 1974.

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Photograph of Shelley Rucker as it appeared in the "Shenandoah Herald and Shenandoah Valley" newspaper, September 25, 1974.

Aerial photograph showing the southern end of the town of Mt. Jackson Virginia and surrounding communities.

It was produced on March 25, 1992 as part of an aerial mapping project funded by Shenandoah County and covering the geographic area of the…

Photograph of "Judge Newman's Bible Class," part of what is now the Woodstock United Methodist Church.

Judge Edgar Newman is seated center with rolled paper in his hand. The other subjects are unidentified.

The building in the background is…

Photographic postcard showing a group of students at the New Market (Virginia) High School.

The image is dated 1919.

Identified in the picture are:

Back Row, left to right:

Paul Offman, unknown, unknown, Mary Harner (Linhoss), unknown,…

Color photograph of "Highway Post Office One" passing the Shenandoah County Courthouse in 1988.

The Highway Post Office was inaugurated in 1941 with a Washington DC to Harrisonburg VA route. In 1988, the Smithsonian and US Postal Service…

Letter from George W. Graham of A. Spencer & Co. Real Estate Agents, Harpers Ferry West Virginia, to R.D. Newland of Hamburg (Shenandoah County) Virginia.

The letter inquires about Newlands ability, and price, to supply lumber for the…

Letter sent from Daniel Shockey to R.D. Newland, Hamburg Virginia. Shockey appears to be writing from the Hotel Evans in Winchester Virginia.

Statement issued to R.D. Newland by Wightman and Hisey for 1 bushel of seeds. Dated June 31, 1895.

Letter sent from George W. McCauley of Moorefield West Virginia to William Rush Merriam of Washington DC concerning a shipmen of lumber owned by the Henkel and McCauley Timber Company to be transported from Liberty Furnace to Edinburg Virginia by the…

Photograph of Russell Page Frye and Clara A. Sine Frye of Lantz Mill.

The image was taken and developed by Hugh Morrison at his Woodstock Studio. While the image is undated, it was most likely taken ca. 1908 when the couple were married.

Program for "Peter Muhlenberg Day" marking the dedication of the Peter Muhlenberg Plaza in Woodstock Virginia held on October 1, 1975.

The plaza was constructed as part of the community's celebration of the American Revolution Bicentennial.…
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