Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (57 total)
Postcard with a picture of a house in Powells Fort, Shenandoah County.

Powells Fort is the historic name given to a community in the northern portion of Fort Valley. The exact location of this scene is unknown.
Postcard with a picture of a house in Powells Fort, Shenandoah County.

Powells Fort is the historic name given to a community in the northern portion of Fort Valley. The exact location of this scene is unknown.

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Photograph showing Benjamin Franklin Boyer and his wife Julia Penelope McInturff Boyer, both of Fort Valley Virginia.
Scan of a photograph showing Benjamin Franklin Boyer Jr. of Fort Valley Virginia.

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Photograph showing members of the Boyer family of Fort Valley Virginia. Pictured on the back row from left to right are:
-Sam Boyer who ran the Pelton Post Office
-Edith Boyer Burke
-Charlotte "Lottie" Munch Boyer. She married Sam Boyer after he…

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Photograph of a Boyer family in Fort Valley. From left to right are Benjamin Franklin Boyer Jr., Ray Franklin Boyer, and Myrtle Frances Cullers Boyer.

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Drawing of Burner's Springs Resort, also known as Shenandoah Springs, in Fort Valley Virginia. The resort was constructed in "bowl-like hollow" that was surrounded by seven fountains. Six were within one acre of the resort but the seventh was piped…
Portrait of Charles Franklin Plauger, of Fort Valley. His wife was Grace Mae Munch.
Scan of a photograph showing an aerial view of the Dry Run area in Fort Valley Virginia on April 15, 1936. This shows what is today the intersection of Fort Valley Road and Dry Run road.

Visible on the left corner of the intersection is the Union…
Portrait of Elder William Peters later in his life. In this photograph, he is seated on a chair with an open book on his lap. He is best remembered as having organized and help build the Church of the Brethren in Fort Valley. This church is also…
Scan of a photograph showing Ella Boyer of Fort Valley Virginia in 1900.
Color postcard with a picture of the entrance to what is now the Elizabeth Furnace Recreation Area in the George Washington National Forest. The area is located in Fort Valley Virginia near the town of Strasburg.

Eva Mae Boyer and Franklin Ray Boyer
Photograph showing Eva Mae Boyer (Ritenour) and Ray Franklin Boyer of Fort Valley. The family account notes Ray was bare footed because he had contracted poison ivy and couldn't wear his shoes.
Photograph of Eva Mae Boyer Ritenour (left) and her brother Ray Franklin Boyer (right).

The two lived in Fort Valley Virginia.
Postcard showing Faith Lutheran Church in Fort Valley Virginia
Portrait of Fay (Tamkin) Coates from Fort Valley as a young woman and wearing a lovely white dress.

Photograph showing the "Fort Brick Church" in Fort Valley Virginia. The image is undated. It is located in a photograph album that was maintained by Arlene Strickler.

This church and Trinty Church (pictured in the background) are currently home…
The Fort Valley School Building is no longer standing.
Picture of the school in Fort Valley, Virginia.
Photograph taken by William Hoyle Garber showing an aerial view of Fort Valley Virginia.

Cover of the Fort Valley Works book produced by the Fort Valley Elementary School. The book features stories from Fort Valley residents, surveys about their community, and analysis by students.
Scan of a photograph showing Frank Boyer and Eddie Rhyman of Fort Valley Virginia in a horse and buggy.
Portrait of George Alva Boyer on the left, the last Confederate Veteran living in Woodstock. He died in 1935. The other man is also a Boyer. He was from the Fort Valley. Child is unidentified.
George Alva Boyer, on the left, was the last Confederate Veteran living in Woodstock. He died in 1935. The other man is also a Boyer, from the Fort Valley. Child is unidentified.
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