Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (8 total)
Group of cadets from Massanutten Military Academy (MMA) in their school uniforms.

The cadets are seated on the steps of a campus building. The four in front are holding rifles. This indicates the photograph may be of the school’s rifle team.

Unidentified young boy in a wintry outfit is standing on a bench and holding a rifle as tall as he is.
Photograph of a picture of an unidentified man holding a rifle. He is standing in front of a building and smiling at the camera.
Photograph of a picture of an unidentified man sitting on a set of steps. There is a rifle resting on the steps beside him.
Photograph of a photograph showing a musical group. The original print is labeled "Massanutten Mountaineers Strasburg VA."

An August 11, 1938 Northern Virginia Daily article mentions the "Massanutten Mountaineers of Seven Fountains" performed for…
Photograph of an unidentified man seated and holding a rifle with a dog resting on his leg. The man and dog are looking off camera.
Unidentified man pictured outside a house wearing a jacket, boots, and hat. A rifle is in the crook of one arm and he is holding the leads for four dogs with the other.

This photograph shows the Massanutten Academy's rifle squad in 1940. Due to the military nature of the institution rifle training was standard for each student. The 1940 school yearbook noted it “was practically continuous during the first and second…
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