Browse Items (194 total)
- Tags: Business
Wightman and Hisey Statement
Tags: Business, Edinburg, Newland, Shenandoah County, Virginia
Baltimore Wholesale Grocery Company Invoice
The invoice is dated September 28, 1938.
Tags: Business, Toms Brook, Virginia
"Book of Thrift"
The bank is designed to look like a book. Depositors would be required to tank the item to Citizens Bank to access the money since the bank held the item's key.
Tags: Banks, Business, New Market, Shenandoah County, Virginia
Kauffman's Place
Tags: Business, Kauffman, Luray, New Market, New Market Gap, Postcards, Shops, Virginia
Daniel Shirley & Company Meat Wagon Order from Noah M____
Tags: Business, New Market, Shenandoah County, Shirley, Virginia
Dedford Company Letter, August 16 1909
Tags: Business, Industry, Letters, Liberty Furnace, Luray, Page County, Shenandoah County, Virginia
Evergreen Fernery
Tags: Business, Florist, New Market, Postcards, Virginia
Gulf Station
Tags: Business, New Market, Shenandoah County, Virginia
Letter, George W. Graham to R.D. Newland
The letter inquires about Newlands ability, and price, to supply lumber for the…
Tags: Business, Letters, Newland, Shenandoah County, Virginia
Postcard Ordering Sleigh Runners
Tags: Business, Edinburg, Hawkins, Hawkinstown, Saum, Shenandoah County, Virginia
Lantz Roller Mills Flour Sack
Tags: Business, Lantz Mill, Shenandoah County, Virginia
Bill for Kindling, Mt. Jackson Colored School
It was approved by B.E. Nelson, school trustee and paid on April…
Tags: Business, Mt. Jackson, Schools, Shenandoah County, Virginia
Liberty Iron Company Receipt
Tags: Business, Liberty Furnace, Shenandoah County, Virginia
W.E. McInturff Store
The store was operated by W.E. McInturff as a general store that sold a variety of products to the local population. It was open during early to mid 20th century.
The building pictured no longer stands.…
Tags: Business, Maurertown, McInturff, Shenandoah County, Stores, Virginia
T. Glenn Locke's Store - Woodstock
At the time of the photograph, ca. 1920, it was home to T. Glenn Locke's Store.
Tags: Business, Shenandoah County, Stores, Virginia, Woodstock
Service Station
This building stands on W. Court Street. It was constructed sometime before 1899 and housed various businesses including a bicycle shop, harness shop, and service station.…
Tags: Buildings, Business, Shenandoah County, Virginia, Woodstock
Walton Law Office
The building dates to the mid-19th century and is one of several historic structures utilized as law offices located adjacent to the Shenandoah County Courthouse and commonly…
Tags: Business, Shenandoah County, Virginia, Woodstock
Ye Old Dinner Bell Antique Shop
Tags: Business, Mt. Jackson, Postcards, Shops, Virginia
Hydraulic Cider Press and Apple Butter Boiler Advertisement
Based on included dates, the document was most likely printed in 1898. R.D. (Richard) Newland operated an Apple…
Tags: Apples, Business, Shenandoah County, Virginia
License to Operate a Retail Store
The license was signed by ____ Rinker and references the Sheriff of Shenandoah…
Shentel Notice
Tags: Business, Edinburg, Shenandoah County, Shentel, Virginia
Strasburg Land and Improvement Company Letter
The company was a real estate business that subdivided and sold…
Tags: Business, Shenandoah County, Strasburg, Virginia