Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (8 total)
Photograph of the family of James R. and Victoria (Sine) Foltz who attended a family reunion at the homeplace in Hamburg, Virginia, on July 4, 1920.

James R. and Victoria A. (Sine) Foltz were married in 1884.

The group is posed in three rows…
Photo of a postcard photograph originally made in Staunton, Virginia, by the Clinedinst Studio.

The image is a portrait photograph of an unidentified woman with long curly hair wearing jewelry and eye makeup.
Reproduction photograph of Elizabeth "Eliza" Clinedinst Crim. The original image was probably taken in about 1870.

Eliza was also known as “Mother Crim” due to her actions following the Civil War Battle of New Market caring for cadets from the…
Photograph of James Franklin Wetzel as a boy, posed cheek-to-cheek with his mother, Drucilla (Hottel) Wetzel.

James lived in Woodstock as a boy, but spent his later years in Edinburg. He finished high school and served in the U.S. Army during WWII…
John Strother Calvert was born in New Market to George and Ann (Clinedinst) Calvert. He came from a large family but never married.

Census data place him living in Richmond by 1900-1910. After that, he lived in Philadelphia, then Georgia, for a…
Portrait of Elizabeth “Eliza” Clinedinst Crim.

Eliza was also known as “Mother Crim” due to her actions following the Civil War Battle of New Market caring for cadets from the Virginia Military Institute.
John Strother Calvert was born in New Market to George and Ann (Clinedinst) Calvert. He came from a large family but never married.

Census data place him living in Richmond by 1900-1910. After that, he lived in Philadelphia, then Georgia, for a…
Portrait of Elizabeth “Eliza” Clinedinst Crim reading a book.
Eliza was also known as “Mother Crim” due to her actions following the Civil War Battle of New Market caring for cadets from the Virginia Military Institute.
This picture appeared in…
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