Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (160 total)
Postcard showing St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Toms Brook Virginia.

This church pictured here was built in 1905 on what is now Main Street and is still in use by the congregation.

Invoice issued by the Baltimore Wholesale Grocery Company to the Snarr & Miley Store located in Toms Brook Virginia.

The invoice is dated September 28, 1938.

According to the Shenandoah Valley Herald "Cooking is Peggy Keller's hobby, baking cakes and decorating them is her specialty."

A resident of Toms Brook, she gained experience baking from her time in high school, working at local restaurants, and…
Postcard with a color image of the Valley Diner.

The diner was located north of Toms Brook on US Route 11. This card notes the restaurant specialized in Home Cooking, country style chicken, steaks, chops, home made pies and cakes. It the time the…
Postcard showing a picture of Main Street in Toms Brook Virginia. St. Peter's Lutheran Church is visible.
Postcard with a picture of Toms Brook Virginia.

The photograph was taken from an area south east of town and looks northwest with the railroad tracks in the background.

Letter from "John Scholl & Bro., Inc." of Reade Street in New York City to W.H. Baker of Toms Brook Virginia dated March 27, 1925. It concerns a damaged shipment of eggs.

W.H. Baker operated a general store and egg distribution business on Back…

Postcard sent to "Maw" from Joseph M. Hines. Most likely "Maw" is his mother Mary Hines of Toms Brook Virginia.

Postcard addressed to "Paw" from Joseph M. Hines. Most likely "Paw" refers to his father Duval “Du” Hines of Toms Brook Virginia.

Postcard to "Mother, Dad, and Sis" from Joseph M. Hines, USMC. The postcard is dated October 1, 1942 and was sent to his parents Duval and Mary Hines of Toms Brook Virginia.

Postcard sent to "Dear Mother" from Joseph M. Hines. The postcard is dated October 4, 1942 and is sent from Paris Island Marine Barracks. It is addressed to "Mr. and Mrs. DD Hines" which are Mary and Duval Hines of Toms Brook, Joseph's parents.

Letter to "Dear Family (Mother Dad & Emma)" from Joseph M. Hines. It was sent from Paris Island Marine Barracks on October 6 1942 where Joseph was a USMC recruit. His mother and father were Mary and Duval Hines of Toms Brook. Emma was his sister.

Letter to "Dear Family" from Joseph M. Hines. It was sent from Paris Island Marine Barracks on October 9, 1942 where Joseph Hines was a Marine Corps Private. The letter is addressed to Mr. and Mrs. D.D. Hines of Toms Brook. This refers to Joseph's…

Letter sent to ""Dear Mother & Dad & Sid & Sis (Ha)" from Joseph M. Hines. The letter is addressed to Mrs. D.D. Hines of Toms Brook which refers to Mary Hines, Joseph's mother. His father was Duval Hines and his sister was Emma Hines. The identity of…

Letter to "Dear Family" from Joseph M. Hines. It was sent from Parris Island Marine Corps Barracks where Joseph Hines was serving as a Marine Recruit. It was sent on November 19, 1942 and is addressed to "Mrs. D.D. Hines" of Toms Brook who is…

Letter to "Dear Mother" from Joseph M. Hines. It was sent from Parris Island Marine Barracks where Joseph was a Marine recruit. The letter is addressed to "Mrs. D.D. Hines" which was Joseph's mother Mary.

Letter to "Dear Family" from Joseph M. Hines. Sent from New River North Carolina to Mrs. D.D. (Mary) Hines, mother of Joseph.

Letter written to "Dear Mother & All" from Joseph Hines. It was sent from New River North Carolina while Private Hines, USMC, was awaiting deployment overseas. The letter is addressed to "Mrs. D.D. Hines" who is Mary Hines of Toms Brook, Joseph's…

Letter written to "Dear Mother & All" from Joseph Hines. It was sent from New River North Carolina while Private Hines, USMC, was awaiting deployment overseas. The letter is addressed to "Mrs. D.D. Hines" who is Mary Hines of Toms Brook, Joseph's…

Letter written to "Dear Family" from Joseph M. Hines. It was sent from New River USMC Barracks were Joseph had been assigned after basic training. The letter is addressed to "Mrs. D.D. Hines" of Toms Brook who was Mary Hines, Joseph's mother.

Unlabeled letter containing a list of questions and answers written by Joseph M. Hines. The letter was sent from an unknown location to "Mrs. D.D. Hines" of Toms Brook who was Joseph's mother Mary Hines.

Postcard addressed to "Dearest Mother." Sent by Joseph M. Hines, USMC, to his mother Mary Hines of Toms Brook Virginia. The card was sent from San Juan Capistrano which was the location of Camp Pendelton in California.

Letter written to "Dear Mother" (Mary Hines of Toms Brook) from Joseph M. Hines, USMC. It was sent from unknown location. Page 3 and 4 of the letter contain a list of questions sent to Joseph Hines which he answered and returned.

Letter sent from Joseph M. Hines, USMC, to his family on May 29, 1943. It is addressed to "Mrs. D.D. Hines" who is his mother, Mary Hines of Toms Brook Virginia. It was sent from Oceanside California, home to Camp Pendleton.

Letter sent from Joseph M. Hines, USMC, to his family in Toms Brook Virginia. The envelope is addressed to his mother Mary Hines. The letter was sent from an unknown location.
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