Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (100 total)
Detailed map of the First Battle of Kernstown fought in 1862. The words, "The Handley Library", are along the margin.
Unidentified older man, seated next to unidentified older woman. The man is wearing a Southern Cross medal on his lapel indicating he was a Confederate veteran.

Probably a husband and wife.
Photograph of an unidentified older man in a suit and standing with his cane by a chair. He is also wearing a Southern Cross of Honor medal on his lapel indicating he is a veteran of the U.S. Civil War.
Photo of a framed oval portrait of Harrison Holt Riddleberger wearing an army uniform from the Confederate States of America.

Riddleberger served in the Confederate army (CSA) during the American Civil War. He was attached to the 23rd Virginia…
Heavily damaged and faded photo of a framed photograph of an unidentified soldier in uniform.
Portrait of Elizabeth “Eliza” Clinedinst Crim reading a book.
Eliza was also known as “Mother Crim” due to her actions following the Civil War Battle of New Market caring for cadets from the Virginia Military Institute.
This picture appeared in…
Photograph of Samuel Jefferson Artz astride his horse, "Mike".

Samuel Artz was born at the family farm near Edinburg. The beginning of the Civil War found the 24 year old farmer, orphaned and unmarried, ready and willing to enlist with a local…
Reproduction photograph of Elizabeth "Eliza" Clinedinst Crim. The original image was probably taken in about 1870.

Eliza was also known as “Mother Crim” due to her actions following the Civil War Battle of New Market caring for cadets from the…
Heavily damaged image of the stone monument honoring the 1864 Battle of New Market, a significant event of the Civil War.

Cannons on temporary stands and flags flanking the monument may indicate this photograph was taken at the dedication…
Portrait of John Grabill in his later years.

Grabill was a Confederate veteran and the first Superintendent of Shenandoah County Public Schools. He was also the publisher of the Shenandoah Herald Newspaper in Woodstock for many years.

Unidentified Confederate Veteran standing beside his unidentified wife.

The man is wearing a Southern Cross of Honor, a commemorative medal established in 1899 by the United Daughters of the Confederacy to honor Confederate Veterans.
Photo of an oval-framed photograph of John Augustine Washington, III.

He was the great grandnephew of George Washington and the last Washington to own Mount Vernon.

During the US Civil War, he was a Lt. Colonel in the Confederate Army.

Postcard with a picture and description of the various tourist attractions at Hupps Hill in Strasburg Virginia. This includes the Civil War Museum and Crystal Caverns.
Photographic postcard showing "Battlefield Crystal Caverns" in Strasburg Virginia.

In the image Crystal Caverns and several other structures that surrounded it during the first half of the 20th century are visible. These include a museum,…
Postcard with a picture of Bank's Fort in Strasburg Virginia. It includes a brief description of the site which was developed by Federal forces under General Nathaniel P. Banks when he occupied the town in 1862.

Letter sent by Shenandoah County resident Christopher Fansler to Mary C. Fansler in August 1863. At the time Christopher, a native of Woodstock VA, was serving in the Confederate Army's 12th Cavalry Regiment and was stationed in Culpeper Virginia.…
Postcard bearing an image of the Presbyterian Church in Strasburg Virginia.

The postcard is dated July 10, 1909.

Sketch of the Town of Strasburg Virginia and Federal troops dated March 25 1862. It is from an issue of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Almanac.

The sketch looks south and includes a description of the town and some of its interaction with troops…

Photographic card bearing an image of a steam locomotive and cars on the Narrow Passage Railroad Trestle located between Edinburg and Woodstock Virginia.

The reverse bears an advertisement for "War Views," images of various Civil War sites in…
Color postcard showing a view of the area around Fishers Hill in northern Shenandoah County. The view is facing west. The Shenandoah River can be seen in the foreground and Fishers Hill is in the mid-ground.

The small unincorporated community of…
Postcard showing the monument erected to the sport where G.W. Summers and Newton Koontz were shot immediately following the Civil War.
Postcard showing Shirley's Hill on the New Market Battlefield. Includes a description of the battle.
Postcard showing Shirley Hill on the New Market Battlefield.
Postcard showing view of the town of New Market and the New Market Battlefield.
Postcard showing the the New Market Battlefield, part of the town of New Market Virginia, and the surrounding landscape.
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