Shenandoah County Library Archives

Shenandoah County Library Digital Archives

Browse Items (25 total)

Fraktur commemorating the birth of Elizabeth Rinker of Shenandoah County.

The Fraktur is dated 1835 and reads:

"To This Couple Wilhelm Rinker and His Wife Sarah Whose Maiden Name is Painter (Bender) Was Born Into This World A Daughter, Year of…
Portrait photograph of Marvin Rinker in his U.S. Army uniform posed with his wife, Ruth Annie (Hermanson) Rinker.

Marvin was from Fort Valley and Ruth was born in Texas. Both are buried in Fort Valley.

The name, "Rinker", is written on the…
Helen C. Pollard as a young woman, seated, with short hair and wearing a corsage on her dress.

Helen was from Strasburg, the daughter of Walter Fisher and Mary Irene (Pingley) Pollard. Her father was a conductor on the railroad.

She had a…
Mary (Rinker) Dysart, left, with her son Kenneth William Dysart Jr. and her mother in law Mae Lelia Thompson Dysart.

Mary was born in Reliance, Warren County, to Harry Powers Rinker and Thurza Elizabeth (Headly) Rinker.

She was married to…
Mary (Rinker) Dysart, seated, and her son Kenneth William Dysart Jr.

Mary was born in Reliance, Warren County, to Harry Powers Rinker and Thurza Elizabeth (Headly) Rinker.

She was married to Kenneth (Bill) William Dysart, Sr. for 65 years. The…
Two unidentified young children of different ages, standing together.

Probably, these were siblings.

The name, "R.E. Rinker", is written on the box of plates.
Photograph of Evelyn (Hottle) Kronk (left) and her older sister, Charlotte (Hottle) Rinker (standing on right), when they were children.

The name, "J.E. Hottle", is written on the glass plate.
Image of Naomi Zeigler Ralph as a young woman and seated on a bench in the studio.

Naomi was born in Maurertown, the daughter of Wilson Ira and Virginia (Rinker) Zeigler. She was was a 1939 graduate of Woodstock High School. She married Walter L.…
Photograph of Roy A. Rinker and his wife, Elma (Tamkin) Rinker, posed together.

They were from Fort Valley and married in April 1922.
Photo of a photograph of Garnett Luther Rinker, Jr., in his Army uniform, and standing outside in front of military tents.

Garnett was killed in France during WWII. He was from Woodstock.
Portrait photograph of Dorothy Rinker as a young woman wearing a string of faux pearls and short hair.
Portrait of Earl and Charlotte Rinker posed in studio with their baby son, Randolph. Mr. Rinker is wearing his U.S. Army uniform.

In addition to serving in the U.S. Army during World War II, Mr. Rinker worked for Sealtest Foods for 20 years.…
Photograph of Robert "Bob" McClanahan of Fort Valley and his wife, Minnie (Rinker) McClanahan.

Robert was the son of George W. and Rebecca (Evans) McClanahan. He was a farmer and died suddenly of a heart attack when he was 80 years…
Photograph of Noah H. Good (left) and Virginia A. Rinker Good (right).

The image is of two separate glass plate negatives pieced together so a single photograph could be produced of the couple. Noah was killed in 1922 after falling into a pig pen…
Portrait of James William Rinker (1919-1986) and his first wife, Jean (Finks) Rinker. James was the son of Garnett Luther and May (Whitacre) Rinker.
Photo of a framed photograph of Royston L. Shiley, son of James Samuel and Attie Gertrude Barton Shiley. Royston married Jean Rinker (1931-1997) and together, they had two daughters: Judith Thorpe and Vickie Shiley.
Photograph of Charlotte Virginia (left) and Evelyn Hottel (right), sisters, taken when they were children.
Photo of a photo of Richard Rinker, husband of Nina Rinker.
Photograph of Frances P. (Hamman) Brill, seated, and holding her daughter, Joyce Irene. Her young son, Berlin Bennett Brill is standing beside them.

Frances married Harry "Brillo" Brill and they owned and operated Brill's Grocery Store on King…
Photograph of Rebecca "Daisy" Rinker of Reliance Virginia.

The name, "Mrs. Russell Rinker" is written on the glass plate of this image.
Photograph of Warren S. Rinker and his mother Rebecca "Daisy" Rinker.

The name, "Mrs. Russell Rinker", is written on the glass plate of this image.
Portrait of James Rinker wearing a 3-piece suit.
Portrait of Charlotte Rinker, seated, with her son, Randolph, on her lap.
Photo of a photograph of Marvin G. Rinker in his U.S. Army uniform. He served during WWII as a "Tec 5" and was from Fort Valley.

Photograph of May Cecelia Whitaker Rinker.

Published in the Shenandoah Herald on April 10, 1969 as part of their "Country Kitchens" series.

May Whitaker Rinker was born May 1, 1901 in Shenandoah County. She married Garnett L. Rinker Sr. They…
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